Search Results - Tourists found on eiffel tower England Trump Columbia On Penalties To Progress To The World Cup QuarterfinalsEngland finally come to the penalty-party, b... England Rare Blue Diamond Found In CullinanOne of the rarest diamonds in the world, a b... Diamond Serbian Man Murdered In Joburg: Charred Rifle Found In Burned CarOn Tuesday, a motorist believed to be a ... Serbian UFO Hunters Spots UFO Sighting On Google MapsA suspicious object was spotted on Google Ma... Google Two Men Found Dead At Former Versace MansionMiami Police have reported that two men have... Versace Hand Grenade Found In Man’s Luggage At Bloemfontein AirportThe Bram Fischer Airport in Bloemfontein has... Airport Richard Mdluli Sentenced To Five Years, Appeal DeniedRichard Mdluli has been sentenced to five ye... Mdluli A Third Mysterious Monolith Has Appeared In CaliforniaFor several weeks mysterious metal monoliths... Appeared Scientists Confirm First Space Hurricane Over North PoleA 621-mile wide swirling mass of plasma was ... Space Henri Van Breda Found Guilty Of MurderHenri Van Breda has been found guilty of mur... Murder Hundreds Of Ancient Mammoth Skeletons Found In Mexican GroundsArchaeologists have discovered two hundred a... Mammoths Egypt Opens 59 Ancient Coffins For The First Time After Being DiscoveredThe discovery of 59 coffins was announced la... Coffins Stowaway Found Alive In Wheel Of PlaneAfter a flight from Johannesburg landed in A... Stowaway Australian Archbishop Guilty Of Hiding Child Sex AbuseAn Australian court has found Philip Wilson ... Abuse 500 Envelopes Filled With Cash Found Hidden In Joel Osteen’s Church’s Bathroom WallIn 2014, famous evangelist Joel Osteen told ... Money 15-Foot Creature Washes Up On Beach And Sparks QuestionsAn unknown creature 15-foot in length was fo... Beach Finnish Man Ordered To Pay Child Support For Ex Wife’s ChildThe Helsinki Court of Appeal has sided with ... Child Metal Detectorist Discovers £2million Centrepiece Jewel From Henry VIIIs Lost CrownThe centrepiece jewel of Henry VIIIs lost cr... Jewel Epstein Guards Make Deal With Prosecutors To Miss Jail TimeThe two guards on duty the night that Jeffre... Guards First Black Box Found Among China Eastern WreckageChinese investigators are hopeful that the f... China Deadly Hot Air Balloon Crash In Egypt Kills Sa TouristAn Egyptian health ministry official has sai... Luxor Smartly Dressed Man Arrested For The Murder Of Siam LeeDressed in a white shirt and grey pants, the... Siam Fired SABC News Anchor Heads To CourtAs part of its bid to cut costs, the struggl... Sabc Search For Australian Woman Begins After Suspected Crocodile AttackAnne Cameron, 79, was reported missing on Tu... Crocodile < 12345 >